Over 200 new agencies start up every month but despite early stage success many fail and only 20% make it to a headcount beyond double figures.
If you're working in the recruitment industry and are a successful consultant, the chances are at some point you will have asked yourself the question, what would it be like to run my own agency?
If your contract is coming up for renewal in the next six months and you're debating whether to transfer from your current funding provider, here are a few key elements that are worth considering with serious thought.
The recruitment industry is a fast-paced market that is continuously changing, therefore, it is important to ensure businesses review the top takeaways from over the years to see what has worked and what has progressively changed.
That commercial savvy consultant will be significantly more effective and profitable in the long term. The modern day manager needs to ensure that consultants are trained and develop the skills required.
With uncertainty still weighing heavily on the market as we move deeper into Q2 of 2019, it is more crucial than ever for recruitment agencies to review their processes and strategies to ensure that they continue to thrive.
When you've made the decision to set up your own recruitment agency there are many things to consider. However at the forefront for all new business owners the question remains; how do I go about funding my new venture?
A start up recruitment business plan is very much a document to demonstrate to others the path of your future business. It doesn't need to be overly complicated, long or outlandish, just concise and professional.
Making your recruitment agency more efficient shouldn't have anything to do with your personal skills in developing business, creating leads or employing staff - you're already a professional in that field!
In reality, the transfer of debt from one provider to another is a straightforward process so long as all parties involved follow the correct processes.
There are many finance options available to small businesses, it can be a little over-whelming and on the face of it, can seem complicated. Recruitment agencies tend to have two main options for funding the temp element of a business: invoice factoring and invoice discounting.
Change occurs and there may come a time where you are looking to move to a different recruitment funder. Here are some of the reasons why businesses may move recruitment funders:
Let’s chat about
your business needs
Get in touch and find out how we can take your recruitment business to the next level. You can book an appointment or simply give our team a call on 01305 233 178.